The project structure
DIDI is structured into the following workpackages (WP):
WP 1. Legal interpreting: on the face and under the surface of it
Definition of legal interpreting, linguistic/communicative description of the ideal legal interpreting process, the analysis of legal issues regarding legal interpreting and international experience. In this WP the theoretical frame will be built. Furthermore, in this phase the provisions of the Greek legislation concerning the communication of foreigners with Greek authorities will be researched.
WP 2 . Communicating with Greek authorities: the perspective of the non-Greek speaker
This second step of the project will provide grounded data through the interviews/questionnaires from foreigners. A questionnaire created especially for this purpose will be distributed to non-Greek speakers and/ or to lawyers having worked with non-Greek speakers in order to record their opinion on the quality of legal interpreting services the have received. This step is expected to yield information on shortcomings from the foreigner's point of view. The questionnaires will be translated into English, German, Albanian and Russian. Before administered the questionnaires will be back-translated to assure consistency throughout this stage of data collection.
WP 3 . Communicating with non-Greek speakers: The perspective of the Greek authorities
At this step the questionnaires for Greek court and police officials will be worked out and administered in the designated areas.
WP 4 . The bird's eye view: Consolidation on the Greek, on the international experience and on the data collected through the questionnaires.
In this instance the international expertise and data concerning the national data collected in workpackages 1, 2 and 3. will be consolidated.
WP 5 . The profile of the Greek legal interpreter
The data collected in the former stages of the project will provide the backbone of the profile in terms of skills and knowledge of the interpreter the Greek authorities need. In particular, his/her linguistic/cultural knowledge, interpreting and translation skills, legal knowledge, psychological training, etc.
WP 6 . A guide to good practice
In the framework of this workpackage a guide to good practice for everybody involved in the process of legal interpreting will be elaborated. The guide is meant for users of the interpreting service and its purpose is to inform them on how to prepare for a setting with an interpreter involved, how to treat the interpreter and how to behave.
WP 7. Publicity: colloquium for the dissemination and the discussion of outcomes, the publication of results and preparation and dispatch of a dossier on legal interpreting services to stake–holders.
Deliverables: Photos and papers delivered at the colloquium, the volume of the results and the dossier on legal interpreting services.