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Legal Interpreting in Greece (DIDI)

Τhe research project LEGAL INTERPRETING IN GREECE (DIDI) is implemented through the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" and is co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund) and Greek national funds

The team   


Dr. Stefanos Vlachopoulos

Stefanos Vlachopoulos studied both translation (graduation in 1991) and interpreting (1993) at undergraduate level at the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting of the Ionian University in Corfu, Greece.  He was awarded his doctorate in 1999.   His doctoral thesis dealt with the translation of legal texts under functional perspectives.  He gained significant work experience as an associated translator of the British Consulate in Corfu and as a freelance interpreter.  Since the year 2000 he teaches at the Technological and Educational Institution of Epirus. He delivers courses in translation theory, German for specific purposes, and liaison interpreting. 

His post doctoral research work is focused on the research into methodological aspects of legal translation and interpreting. In particular he has dealt with the study of the methodology of translating both of laws in Greece and in the Republic of Cyprus and other texts of legal nature. His publications revolve around functionality in legal translation as a means of overcoming cultural incongruences.   Furthermore, in the course of the last years he has become interested in the provision of translation and interpreting services by the state to the underprivileged who engage with authorities in order to settle (mostly vital) personal issues.The examination from a linguistic point of view of interlingual communication in the realm of law in Greece and Cyprus is what interests him at present.   


Dr. Pericles Tangas 

Pericles Tangas is Associate Professor of English language, with emphasis on techniques of expression and communication - specialized translation, and Head of the Department of Applied Foreign Languages in Management and Commerce of the Technological Educational Institution of Epirus, Igoumenitsa, Greece. He has also taught English for over a decade in primary and secondary education. He holds a B.A. from the English Department of the University of Athens, Greece, where he also completed his Ph.D in 1997. 1999 he received a scholarship for post-doctoral research. His publications include a number of books and articles on translation, language, literature, and educational policy. He has participated in many international conferences and has also co-ordinated several research projects. 


Dr. Themistocles Gogas

Themistocles Gogas is Assistant Professor of Intercultural Communication at the Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, TEI of Epirus, Greece. He holds a Primary Teachers Degree from the Pedagogical Academy of Ioannina, GR, a Dipoma in Educational Studies from Dundee University, UK,  a M.A.(in Social Science Research) and a PhD (Keele, UK). His research covers Intercultural Communication, Multicultural Societies and the impact of Nationalism; as well as the role of the Media in Identity formation. His publications include more than 30 papers in Journals, Collective Volumes or Conference Proceedings. He is co-editor of two volumes: St. Vlachopoulos & Th. Gogas: ForeignLanguageTeachinginTertiaryEducationII, (2008, Ioannina: Carpe Diem, Greece) and Th. Gogas & P. Tagkas: ForeignLanguageTeachinginTertiaryEducation:CurrentTrends (2011, Dionikos: Athens). Also he is member of the editorial board of TheInternationalJournalofTranslation,LanguageandInterculturalCommunication


Dr. Theodoros Vyzas 

Theodoros Vyzas is adjunct lecturer at the Department of Applied Foreign Languages in Management and Commerce (DAFLMC) in the TEI of Epirus. He holds a PhD in translatology from the Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III, France and belongs to the research team « Le Grec et lAutre » of the same institution. From 1999 to 2003 he taught General and Specialised Translation French-Greek in the Section of Modern Greek Language of the Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III. Since 2003, in the DAFLMC he has taught Specialised and General Translation French-Greek and Basic Principles of Lexicography. His research interests comprise the fields of specialised translation, terminology, lexicography and teaching translation. He has participated in conferences and research projects of the above institutions. 


Dr. Eleftheria Dogoriti 

Eleftheria Dogoriti holds a BA in French Language and Literature, from the national and Capodistrian University of Athens, Department of French Language and Literature, a MA in CALL (Computer - assisted Language Learning), from the University of Thessaloniki,  a MA and a PhD in French Literature from Sorbonne-Paris IV. She has previously worked as FLE teacher and trainer for public and private education and she joined the Department of Applied Foreign Languagesin Management and Commerce of the Technological Educational Institute of Epirus,  Greece in 2003. She currently holds the position of an Assistant Professor. Her research interests and publications include ICT and French Language teaching, Web 2.0 applications and language learning, French for Specific academic purposes, learner autonomy and the use of computers in language teaching and learning as well as curriculum design.  


Dr. Nikitas Hatzimihail 

Nikitas Hatzimihail is Assistant Professor of Private Law and Vice-Chair of the Department of Law, at the University of Cyprus (since 2006). He obtained his degree in law from the University of Athens (1995) and his doctorate from Harvard University (2002). He has served as senior research fellow at the University of Brussels (2002-2006) participated in the instruction of graduate courses at the University of Athens Law Faculty (2005-2008). He has also taught courses and seminars at Harvard Law School (2000), the University of Oklahoma College of Law (2001) and the Law Faculty of the Vietnam National University at Hanoi (2005) and has given lectures in various European and Asian universities. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of Bremen (2008) and a visiting fellow of the Cambridge University Faculty of Law (2010, 2011). He is also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Cypriot law review LYSIAS, published twice annually by the Nicosia Bar Association since 2008. Since 2010, Dr. Hatzimihail has also represented Cyprus in technical committees of the European Council (EU), the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. Dr Hatzimihail's teaching and research interests include comparative law, contract law, family law, private international law. He has published and lectured on issues of both legal translation and interpretation. His expertise in multilingualism and legal interpretingand translation is unique in the Greek speaking world. 



Dr. Ekaterini Florou 

Ekaterini Florou earned her Bachelor Degree from the Italian Language Department of the University of Thessaloniki. In 2001 she gained her Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics from the above University. In June 2009 she was awarded a PhD in Corpus Linguistics by the Department of the Italian and Spanish Language of the Kapodistrian and National University of Athens. Since 2000-2011 she has been teaching Italian for specific-puroposes in higher education. Her main research interests lie in applied linguistics, sociolinguistics and in languages for special purposes. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and international conference proceedings. 


Dr. Anna Chita 

Anna Chitas main research areas are German as Foreign Language/ German as Second Language, contrastive Linguistic, and Test development. She studied German Philology: German as Foreign Language/ German as Second Language as well as Psychology and School Pedagogy. Her doctoral dissertation subject was Evaluations criteria in writing skills B2 and C1 and their validity at the University of Augsburg (2009). Her Master dissertation was German-Greek Code-Switching on the example of young people in Augsburg and the Consequences for the German as Foreign Language Teaching. Since 1999 she is Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Foreign Languages in Management and Commerce at the Epirus institute of Technology. 


Dr. Christos Katsis 

Christos Katsis was born in Preveza, Greece in 1972. He received his Diploma Degree in Physics in 1998 and his PhD degree in Medical Informatics from the University of Ioannina, Greece in 2008. He joined the Technological Educational Institute   of the Ionian   Islands   in   2009 and he is currently a visiting assistantprofessor. He has more than 10 years of research experience in biomedical engineering, computer modeling, computational medicine, automated diagnosis and telemedicine. He has published more than 40 papers in refereed journals, international conferences and books. 


Spyridon Dragomanovits LL.M. 

Spyridon Dragomanovits graduated  in 1997 from the law school of the Democritus University of Thrace.  A year later he was awarded his LL.M. By the University of Cardiff.  He is a practising lawyer. From 1999-2000 as an adjunct lecturer he taught at the Democritus University of Thrace courses in Banking law, intellectual property, internet law, industrial property, free competition, unfair competition and insurance law. Since 2003 he is an adjunct lecturer at the Department of Applied Foreign languages in Management and Commerce, Epirus Institute of Technology.  He has published a monograph on intellectual property published in 2001.  He has been publishing extensively among others on the interpreting and translation problems in legal settings in Greece.  


Georgios Iseris M.A. 

Georgios Iseris earned a B.A. in Italian Language from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a B.A. in History from the Ionian University. He read for an M.A. in Information and Communication Technologies in Education at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Since 1991 he teaches Italian both at secondary and tertiary level. For the last four years he has been an adjunct lecturer at the Department of Applied Foreign Languages in Management and Commerce for Italian as an LSP.